365 Recreational Cannabis Dispensary (Drug Stores) in Santa Rosa
Full information about 365 Recreational Cannabis Dispensary in Santa Rosa: address, opening hours, phone, fax, email, website. 365 Recreational Cannabis Dispensary on the map, description and reviews.
Contact details of 365 Recreational Cannabis Dispensary:
2750 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa, California (CA), 95403
(707) 999-9420
Edit365 Recreational Cannabis Dispensary opening hours:
Mon - Sun: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm
EditReviews about 365 Recreational Cannabis Dispensary:
About 365 Recreational Cannabis Dispensary:
365 Recreational is your source for cannabis in Santa Rosa, CA. Our Santa Rosa dispensary is open 365 days a year so you can always get your hands on the best products in the area. We've done our research so you don't have to! When you stop by our Santa Rosa dispensary, our welcoming staff will help you find the right products for your goals. Whether you want help alleviating symptoms or are just looking to chill out, 365 Recreational has you covered. We offer a curated selection of high-quality flower, vape cartridges, concentrates, edibles, and more from the most popular California cannabis brands. Check out our store events to see what’s on sale and then place your order online for quick pickup.
EditDrug Stores nearest to 365 Recreational Cannabis Dispensary:
Morgan Medesign Inc. Santa Rosa, Drug Stores; 947 Piner Pl, Santa Rosa, CA, 95401; (707) 568-2929
Natural Ear Hearing Aid Labs Santa Rosa, Drug Stores; 2200 County Center Dr#G, Santa Rosa, CA, 95403-3000; (707) 523-3830
Precision Hearing Aid Center Santa Rosa, Drug Stores; 2200 County Center Dr#G, Santa Rosa, CA, 95403-3000; (707) 542-8884
Ron Andrews Medical Co Inc Santa Rosa, Drug Stores; 3554 Round Barn Blvd, Santa Rosa, CA, 95401; (707) 575-1840